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In HB14 there are many different types of wings, each with their own unique appearance and characteristics. Below is a list of every type of wing in the game. Each wing comes with its own statistics, for the engineer in all of us, as well as a description of what the wing was originally used for. All lift calculations are assuming that the wing is moving at 100m/s and facing forward and flat relative to the builder.

Wing sets

Each of these sets contain multiple wings that fit a common theme.

Cessna Skyhawk

These wings were originally used for a recreational, single-engine fixed-wing aircraft. Designed as a low to medium speed aircraft for civilian pilots. It is relatively easy to learn how to fly, and is capable of several midair maneuvers.


Cessna skyhawk wing.png Cessna Skyhawk Wing :

  • Mass : 59 kg
  • Lift : 6,579 N
  • Number of Flaps : 2

{{#if: | * Size : {{{4}}}} | }} Cessna skyhawk tail wing.png Cessna Skyhawk Horizontal Tailwing :

  • Mass : 13 kg
  • Lift : 1,858 N
  • Number of Flaps : 1

{{#if: | * Size : {{{4}}}} | }} Cessna skyhawk vertical tail wing.png Cessna Skyhawk Vertical Tailwing :

  • Mass : 15 kg
  • Lift : 1,691 N
  • Number of Flaps : 1

{{#if: | * Size : {{{4}}}} | }}


Originally used on the X15, as the name would suggest. These wings were designed for use in hypersonic, rocket propelled aircraft. As such, they offer less drag than other wings, but offer less maneuverability.


X15 wing.png X15 Wing :

  • Mass : 25 kg
  • Lift : 6,573 N
  • Number of Flaps : 1

{{#if: | * Size : {{{4}}}} | }} X15 tail wing.png X15 Horizontal Tailwing :

  • Mass : 20 kg
  • Lift : 1,938 N
  • Number of Flaps : 0

{{#if: | * Size : {{{4}}}} | }} X15 vertical tail wing.png X15 Vertical Tailwing :

  • Mass : 97 kg
  • Lift : 4,765 N
  • Number of Flaps : 2

{{#if: | * Size : {{{4}}}} | }}


Meant for use in supersonic jet fighters, this set of wings was designed with maneuverability and aerodynamics in mind. However, the wings also had to support a very heavy load of engines, fuel, missiles, etc, so the wings also possess a large surface area.


F22 wing.png F22 Wing :

  • Mass : 882 kg
  • Lift : 13,152 N
  • Number of Flaps : 3

{{#if: | * Size : {{{4}}}} | }} F22 tail wing.png F22 Horizontal Tailwing :

  • Mass : 220 kg
  • Lift : 2,404 N
  • Number of Flaps : 1

{{#if: | * Size : {{{4}}}} | }} F22 vertical tail wing.png F22 Vertical Tailwing :

  • Mass : 210 kg
  • Lift : 7,152 N
  • Number of Flaps : 1

{{#if: | * Size : {{{4}}}} | }}


Not based on any particular model of plane, unlike the other wing sets. These wings were designed with slow moving planes in mind, and possess a specialized tailwing that is essentially two horizontal tailwings stuck together.


Seagull wing.png Seagull Wing :

  • Mass : 29 kg
  • Lift : 58,527 N
  • Number of Flaps : 2

{{#if: | * Size : {{{4}}}} | }} Seagull tail wing.png Seagull Tailwing :

  • Mass : 12 kg
  • Lift : 2,009 N
  • Number of Flaps : 2

{{#if: | * Size : {{{4}}}} | }} Seagull vertical tail wing.png Seagull Vertical Tailwing :

  • Mass : 5 kg
  • Lift : 1,129 N
  • Number of Flaps : 1

{{#if: | * Size : {{{4}}}} | }}

Su34 Wings

These wings were originally designed for use in supersonic jet fighters. Unique to this set is the Front Wing. Their purpose is to add additional control to the vehicle in several ways. The main wings contain their own Fuel Tanks.


Su34 wing.png Su34 Wing :

  • Mass : 1,328 kg
  • Lift : 36,622 N
  • Number of Flaps : 2

{{#if: | * Size : {{{4}}}} | }} Su34 front wing.png Su34 Front Wing :

  • Mass : 45 kg
  • Lift : 1,279 N
  • Number of Flaps : 1

{{#if: | * Size : {{{4}}}} | }} Su34 tail wing.png Su34 Horizontal Tailwing :

  • Mass : 140 kg
  • Lift : 5,680 N
  • Number of Flaps : 1

{{#if: | * Size : {{{4}}}} | }} Su34 vertical tail wing.png Su34 Vertical Tailwing :

  • Mass : 59 kg
  • Lift : 24,143 N
  • Number of Flaps : 1

{{#if: | * Size : {{{4}}}} | }}


Originally built for a civilian aircraft, much like the Cessna Skyhawk wings, this wing set is extremely lightweight and offers sizable lift as well. All three wings in this set posses an above-average lift/weight ratio, and are very useful for building small lightweight aircraft.


Cherokee wing.png Cherokee Wing :

  • Mass : 45 kg
  • Lift : 10,264 N
  • Number of Flaps : 2

{{#if: | * Size : {{{4}}}} | }} Cherokee tail wing.png Cherokee Horizontal Tailwing :

  • Mass : 5 kg
  • Lift : 1,465 N
  • Number of Flaps : 1

{{#if: | * Size : {{{4}}}} | }} Cherokee vertical tail wing.png Cherokee Vertical Tailwing :

  • Mass : 5 kg
  • Lift : 2,115 N
  • Number of Flaps : 1

{{#if: | * Size : {{{4}}}} | }}


A set of wings based off of World War II light bombers. The main wings contain their own fuel tanks, which can be useful for fitting more fuel into the plane, or just convenient as extra fuel.


Invader wing.png Invader Wing :

  • Mass : 747 kg
  • Lift : 24,611 N
  • Number of Flaps : 1

{{#if: | * Size : {{{4}}}} | }} Invader tail wing.png Invader Horizontal Tailwing :

  • Mass : 69 kg
  • Lift : 5,279 N
  • Number of Flaps : 1

{{#if: | * Size : {{{4}}}} | }} Invader vertical tail wing.png Invader Vertical Tailwing :

  • Mass : 124 kg
  • Lift : 6,595 N
  • Number of Flaps : 1

{{#if: | * Size : {{{4}}}} | }}

Miscellaneous wings

These are wings that do not fit a common theme with others.

Adjustable wing.png Adjustable Wing

The adjustable wing is unique from other wings, in that the size can be adjusted. It is also the only wing that is not in a normal "wing" shape. Instead, it is a flat metal plane. Odd to think of a wing as being a plane, but that's exactly what the Adjustable Wing is! They are intended to be hidden under a "skin" made of plates or other parts, as opposed to being visible from the outside of the vehicle. It can be adjusted along 2 axes: length and width. Depending on how big the wing is, the more it will weigh and the more lift it will provide. Hence why these parts do not have their stats listed.

Small Wing

The smallest wings in Homebrew. Unlike the other wing sets, these are not based on anything in particular. Their purpose is to add a small aesthetically pleasing contour, a small amount of lift, or a little bit extra control on a plane.


Small wing.png Small Wing :

  • Mass : 5 kg
  • Lift : 228 N
  • Number of Flaps : 1

{{#if: | * Size : {{{4}}}} | }}


Airbrakes were designed to do much like the name suggests. Just as brakes on a car slow it down and stop it, airbrakes on a plane slow it down and stop it. They work by extending a flap away from the vehicle in a way that causes a lot of air resistance against the flap. That air resistance disperses much of the vehicle's momentum out into the surrounding air, causing the vehicle to slow down. However, if used improperly, they can cause the vehicle to rotate. In Homebrew, that only adds one more use for airbrakes.


Air brake.png Airbrake :

  • Mass : 20 kg
  • Lift : 2,761 N
  • Number of Flaps : 1

{{#if: | * Size : {{{4}}}} | }}


B-b-b-but, spoilers aren't wings! Yes they are, this is Homebrew, where nobody is gonna stop you from building your dreams. Even if that dream is to make a plane's wings out of spoilers.


Spoilers are not exactly wings. However, in Homebrew they do apply lift, so they've been classed as wings. Their main purpose is for adding an additional layer of control to cars and other ground vehicles, but also serve to add a level of coolness to a vehicle.


SportSpoiler.png Sport Spoiler :

  • Mass : 7 kg
  • Lift : 207 N
  • Number of Flaps : 1

{{#if: | * Size : {{{4}}}} | }} UberSpoiler.png Uber Spoiler :

  • Mass : 19 kg
  • Lift : 2,486 N
  • Number of Flaps : 0

{{#if: | * Size : {{{4}}}} | }}


Okay, you're thinking "I'm on the wings page, what are pontoons doing here?" But in Homebrew, pontoons are basically wings that also create upward force when in the water. So because they act just like wings, they're on the wings page.

Pontoon.png Pontoon

Pontoons are the basic means of keeping boats afloat. They usually contain air or some type of lightweight foam to keep them lighter than water, and allow the boat to float on top of water. In addition to their contents, their shape also helps to stabilize the boat while driving forward.

  • Each pontoon is capable of lifting up to roughly 918.5kg when fully submerged.
  • Pontoons generate 18,472N of lift when they're acting as wings.

Adjustable pontoon.png Adjustable Pontoon

The adjustable pontoon is a flotation device used on boats and aquatic planes. It can be rescaled from 30/30/30cm, to 1200/1200/1200 cm. Meaning they can either be very small, or extremely large.

  • Flotation force - The adjustable pontoon calculates pontoon floatation as (volume * 1000 * 9.81N = Newtons of lift force). Note that "volume" in this case refers to cubic meters of the pontoon itself. This means it can float up to 1000kg per cubic meter of volume, since Gravity cancels out the 9.81 factor.
  • Mass - The pontoon's mass is simply calculated as (volume * 5kg = mass). Once again, volume is in cubic meters.
  • It should be noted that the adjustable pontoons are extremely buoyant for their size and weight. So be careful in using them when you have lightweight vehicles.
  • Note that the yellow number in the builder does not represent how much weight the pontoon can lift in water, but rather, how much lift it generates when the pontoon is acting as a wing.


Okay, seriously. This is just getting out of hand. First spoilers, then pontoons, and now Balloons are wings? Yes. Balloons use the wing drag code, and have immense amounts of drag, which means they also have immense lift, which means they act as immensely powerful wings.

Hot air balloon horizontal striped.png Hot Air Balloon

Hot Air Balloons are some of the earliest means of lifting humans into the air. They operate by burning an open flame which heats up the air. That hot air travels up into the balloon, since it is lighter than cold air, and lifts the balloon off the ground.

  • Fuel - Connects engines and thrusters to fuel tanks.
  • Burn Input - Ignites the flame and heats up the balloon, causing it to rise. Values between 0 and 1 change the speed that the balloon will burn fuel.
  • Release Air - Releases some of the hot air in the balloon, causing the temperature to go down, as well as reduce thrust. Values between 0 and 1 change the speed that the balloon will release air.
  • Power Factor - Multiplies the thrust output by whatever number is assigned here. However, also consumes more fuel in the process. The value cannot exceed 3 though.
  • Max Temperature - The maximum temperature allowable for the balloon, in Celsius. Minimum setting is 15, and maximum is 120.
  • Current Temperature - Outputs the current temperature of the balloon in Celsius.
  • Thrust - An amount of kinetic force that allows a vehicle to move, measured in Newtons.
  • The force will always thrust the vehicle upward and against gravity, regardless of the balloon or vehicle's orientation.
  • Force is applied directly at the center of the balloon. Not at the CoG or CoL.
  • Mass - 82kg
  • Force - Thrust is calculated as (9804 * [Power Factor]) * ([Current Temp] / 120).
  • Lift - 1,088,750
  • Fuel Usage - 1,800 L/H

Blimp.png Blimp

Blimps are large vehicles with a large container of gas that is lighter than air. Most commonly this gas is Helium or Hydrogen. Most modern blimps are filled with Helium, although some famous examples of blimps, most prominently the Hindenburg, were instead filled with Hydrogen, an extremely flammable gas. In Homebrew, the blimp is merely the container for this lighter-than-air gas, and has no flammable or explosive properties. It is up to the player to make the rest of the vehicle.

  • Lift Factor - Determines how much force the blimp will output, based on a decimal input between 0 and 1.
  • Lift Force Factor - A number between 0 and 1 that determines how powerful the blimp's force output will be when fully activated.
  • Thrust - An amount of kinetic force that allows a vehicle to move, measured in Newtons.
  • The force will always thrust the vehicle upward and against gravity, regardless of the blimp's or vehicle's orientation.
  • Requires a logic input to provide lift.
  • Force is applied directly at the center of the blimp. Not at the CoG or CoL.
  • Mass - 300kg
  • Force - 95509.26N (multiplied by Lift Force Factor and input)
  • Lift - 428,638N